
Secondary Senior Years 11-12

Walford Anglican School for Girls

Entry Requirements

Course Details

The senior years at Walford empower students to be ‘world ready’ by providing diverse and tailored pathways so that each young woman can achieve her best, her way.

This is most important in the senior years, with each of our young women preparing for life beyond school by exploring personal interests, building on individual strengths, and identifying opportunities for ongoing development.

Preparing students for life beyond school

The Senior School at Walford is the training ground for life, empowering each young woman to develop autonomy through a series of challenging and enriching learning experiences.

The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is an internationally recognised secondary school qualification that provides a broad range of subject options that lead to tertiary study.

While most students will complete the SACE in their final two years of schooling, Walford provides a flexible approach that enables them to undertake some SACE subjects earlier as part of a personalised enrichment pathway.

As part of their SACE studies, a number of students elect to undertake a certified Vocational Education Training (VET) course. These courses are designed to provide skills-based experiences in career-related fields and can lead to school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, as well as tertiary study.

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Level of Study: Senior Secondary Certificate of Education

Duration: 104 weeks

CRICOS Course Code: 004818C

English Requirements: IELTS Score UG

Annual Tuition: AUD$41,000.00

More information is available at the institution's website

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