
Junior Secondary Years 7-10

Immanuel College

Entry Requirements

Course Details

Year 7

The first step to ensuring our Year 7s are happy and high-achieving is to create a safe environment where they feel supported in their journey towards independence.

Immanuel’s village-like Middle School learning environment helps kids quickly feel at home, make new friends, build a strong relationship with their core teacher, and discover what learning styles work best for them. Our Year 7 classrooms look like a familiar primary school learning environment, but incorporate significant advancements to help students begin their journey to adulthood.

All of our students are encouraged to explore and try new things, in fact, it’s compulsory. All Year 7s study music, art, fashion, technology, design, food technology, drama, outdoor education and languages.

For us, there’s nothing more satisfying than helping a child discover a new talent or interest, or making their impossible, possible. No matter where their passions take them, they’ll be supported by our expert team and facilities, and with the range of subjects offered in Year 12, no pathway is out of reach.

Year 8

Our students become confident, capable and self-reliant learners as we focus on developing skills like organisation and time management, critical thinking, personal learning, positive relationships, and cyber safety.

A team of specialist subject tutors support our Year 8s as they strengthen their knowledge in core and elective subjects across Arts, Physical and Health Education, Individuals and Societies, Language and Literature (English), Language Acquisition, Mathematics, Sciences, Design and Christianity and Life.

Year 9

One of the features of Year 9 is the Immanuel Journey program which incorporates healthy rites of passage to prepare students for adulthood. In the prime of their adolescence, with significant physical, social and emotional changes; the Immanuel Journey program supports them through this process.

We use carefully constructed spiritual, emotional and physical challenges to build our students’ resilience, independence and self-confidence. In the Journey program, students and teachers are grouped by gender, to allow them to discuss issues in a safe and nurturing environment, at this special point of time in their growth and development.

One of our challenges – a ten-day camp in the Flinders Ranges – helps them develop group management, team building, and camping skills while also fostering physical, spiritual and emotional growth.

In Year 9, each student undertakes a community project as well as core and elective curriculum subjects. In their community project, students create a product or outcome in an area that interests them, and that addresses a community need. Our students have created everything from a children’s book that helped young asthma sufferers with their experience in hospital, to providing care packages for homeless people. Each year, their efforts are celebrated at our Middle School graduation event.

Year 10 – The Discovery Year

Year 10 is a milestone year for students at Immanuel as they transition from Middle to Senior School and begin to lay the foundations for their final years at school and beyond. The key feature of Year 10 is the Discovery Program; designed to be a year where students explore options, test out new ideas and develop agency in their learning and their future. By developing leadership and entrepreneurial skills, students are encouraged to follow their passions and undertake new challenges.

While continuing to build knowledge and skills in the core learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Health and Physical Education and History, students also have choice over much of their learning program with over 40 exciting and innovative options on offer.

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Level of Study: Junior Secondary Studies

Duration: 208 weeks

CRICOS Course Code: 052966D

English Requirements: IELTS Score UG

Annual Tuition: AUD$31,815.00

More information is available at the institution's website

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