
Secondary Middle Years 6-10

Walford Anglican School for Girls

Entry Requirements

Course Details

For many girls, the Middle School years cement the foundations of their future as they find their voice, embark on new experiences, encounter hurdles, pose questions, negotiate social groups, and begin to form a picture of life beyond school.

To support each student as they explore their sense of self and develop their character, the Walford Middle School provides a carefully-designed environment of care and challenge, and a bridge between the primary and senior years of schooling.

Providing a seamless transition from Junior School into secondary schooling, the Walford Middle School focuses on curiosity, lifelong learning skills, and rich knowledge, as well as opportunities for service, leadership, and challenge by choice.

Away from the School grounds, she will undertake camps and outdoor education experiences to help build her resilience and offer a chance to solve problems, overcome challenges, and shine in her own way.

The knowledge and thinking of students is enriched through participation in a variety of competitions and experiences throughout the year, while healthy attitudes towards sport and recreation are fostered through opportunities to build performance capabilities in our extensive co-curricular program.

Students are involved in many outreach programs through the year, of which the holiday mentoring program with KickStart for Kids is often a highlight.

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Level of Study: Junior Secondary Studies

Duration: 260 weeks

CRICOS Course Code: 065777B

English Requirements: IELTS Score UG

Annual Tuition: AUD$34,000.00

More information is available at the institution's website

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