
Doctor of Clinical Dentistry

The University of Adelaide

Entry Requirements

Bachelor of Dental Surgery or equivalent or higher. Applicants who hold a relevant Honours or Master's degree or equivalent will also be considered.

English Language Requirements

IELTS: Overall, 7; Reading 7, Listening 7, Speaking 7, Writing 7

TOEFL: Overall, 94; Reading 24, Listening 24, Speaking 23, Writing 27

Pearson: Overall, 65; Reading 65, Listening 65, Speaking 65, Writing 65

C1 Advanced: Overall 185; Reading 185, Listening 185, Speaking 185, Writing 185

Course Details

Adelaide Dental School is ranked 1st in Australia and number 39 in the world. Our leading-edge expertise gives our graduates a competitive edge in a flexible and rewarding profession.

This 3-year degree provides specialist dental education through clinical training and research.

What will you do?

Our Doctor of Clinical Dentistry is a professional postgraduate training program, not a PhD. You will:

undertake clinical placements in metropolitan, rural, public and private health care settings

conduct evidence-based clinical research

propose, present and submit a major dissertation

advance your knowledge and technical skills in a specialisation of your choice.

We offer the following specialist training areas:


Oral Pathology


Paediatric Dentistry



Special Needs Dentistry.

Where could it take you?

You’ll graduate ready to change lives on your chosen dentistry path. You’ll be eligible for specialty registration in Australia provided you’ve fulfilled all the qualifications and strict conditions outlined by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

Career Readiness

The Doctor of Clinical Dentistry degree may permit specialty registration in Australia, provided other qualifications and strict conditions are fulfilled. Furthermore, candidates should ensure that the Doctor of Clinical Dentistry degree from the University of Adelaide is registrable in the country in which they intend to work.

The University of Adelaide Careers Service prepares, inspires and empowers students to achieve successful career transitions and connect with industry.

Potential careers

Oral Pathologist, Orthodontist, Paediatric Dentist, Periodontist, Prosthodontist, Endodontist, Special Needs Dentist, Specialist Dental Practitioner, Dentist.

Degree Structure

The Doctor of Clinical Dentistry is a combined clinical training and research program normally taken over three years (minimum three years; maximum four years).

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Level of Study: Doctoral Degree

CRICOS Course Code: 088341G

English Requirements: IELTS Score UG 6.5

More information is available at the institution's website

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