
Professional Doctorate (Research)

Torrens University

Entry Requirements

Successful completion of a Master's degree or above from an Australian university or overseas equivalent

Seven years’ practice at an advanced level in a position of responsibility or five years practice at an executive level and currently in a position of influence in the chosen profession


An extensive track record of executive achievement in the workplace or in professional practice


Work life experience demonstrating the ability to undertake study at the required level which may include approval of prior study or successful completion of a readiness assessment.

Academic IELTS 6.5 (no band less than 6.0) or equivalent.

Course Details

The Professional Doctorate (Research) embeds research training through coursework and practice in a reflective manner, resulting in new discipline knowledge through research. Graduates at this level require a systematic and critical understanding of a complex field of learning and specialised research skills for the advancement of new knowledge. Graduates will also have systemic and critical understanding of a substantial and complex body of knowledge at the frontier of a discipline.

Students will collaborate with industry, government, and community partners to find innovative solutions that benefit business and community at a local, national, and global level and will be positioned for career advancement and transition in a diverse range of industry sectors. This course suits students with previous work experience to ensure a strong understanding of the mechanics of the workplace and the ability to interrogate workplace problems at an advanced level. It is aimed at students who demonstrate a preference for work-based research outcomes.

Learning outcomes

Demonstrate systematic and critical understanding in the profession by planning and generating a substantial and original contribution that advances scholarship for professional practice.

Synthesise, apply, and analyse existing and new knowledge using critical thinking, digital literacy and problem solving to develop new concepts for advanced professional practice.

Critically evaluate wide variety of research approaches and methodologies and select an appropriate research methodology and method(s) to conduct your research project.

Plan and execute ethical research that demonstrate the capacity to scope, design and conduct research projects independently.

Use appropriate and coherent communication skills to report, present, publish and disseminate research data and findings to peers and the community.

Exhibit autonomy, authoritative judgement and leadership in workplace research and advanced professional practice.

Career opportunities

Graduates of the Professional Doctorate (Research) have a bright future. They will have demonstrated their preparedness for a career in research and analysis within government, higher education, research centres and private enterprises. Graduates will have demonstrated intellectual leadership, positioning them for roles such as those in the following areas:

Policy research

Research projects

Research & development

Academic research

Industry and government advising

Further study, including a PhD

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Level of Study: Doctoral Degree

Duration: 3 years

CRICOS Course Code: 108074G

English Requirements: IELTS Score UG 6

Annual Tuition: AUD$26,400.00

More information is available at the institution's website

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